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Excerpts from 52 Weeks – Another Year

Expansion and contraction, life and death are equally essential and equally beautiful, yet we cause ourselves suffering by continually running toward one and away from the other.

Did you ever watch a young child play with blocks, or dominoes? It seems inspiration hits and they build something so beautiful. With their most proud face the child pulls you by the hand into the room, just beaming as they showcase their accomplishment. Then, without warning or thought, a few minutes later, they send it all tumbling to the ground in one fell swoop of their little hands with just as much delight. There is so much acceptance in the destruction of the creation; so much pure, innocent wisdom in their action. As a child begins to get a little older it seems they begin to become more and more attached to those creations. A six year old is much less likely to enjoy the destruction of one of their creations than say a two year old…..but why?

Somewhere along the line we, as the human race, begin to see things differently. We begin to place great value on the things that we build, whether that be a house, a body, a career, a relationship, or even a life. In fact, we place so much value on the expansion of those ideals that when the inevitable opposite force of contraction rolls around we begin to resist and suffer.

It seems that society wants to hide death and contraction, and pretend that it does not exist. When we look at society the evidence is very clear. Our elderly are hidden away in nursing homes. People who are dying are sent to hospice, carefully tucked away in private settings. Destructive diseases, addictions, terminal illnesses, and mental illnesses all pushed outward, away, as if they were not a valid part of being, as if we fear looking at the fact that we too will die; we too are vulnerable to disease and illness. We too will experience contraction, destruction and death, just as we will experience expansion, creation and life. The equation cannot be valid if there is nothing on the other side of the equal sign. The light of the yin/yang cannot be the light without the dark to contrast against. Dying is just as valid, and just as beautiful as living.

There is a cycle innate and inherent in all of existence. Some also call it the circle of life.

The model above refers not only to the cycle we call life, but also the interconnectedness we are all here to experience as human beings. First there is a tree. The tree is cut down and lumber is created. With that lumber a home is built, cabinets are build, and a bench is built. Once we have have separated the tree into many pieces we must name the separate pieces to keep track of them. It is the same with the universe. Creation is one, it separates and we must name it. Once it is separate it expands on its own. It flourishes to serve its purpose. It shines experiences, grows, and makes creations of its own. Once it has expanded fully it then begins a destruction phase. The wood starts to wear, the creation stops expanding and begins to deteriorate. The house is torn down, the bench rots away, and the cabinets burn to the ground. The trees contract and become formless once again. They then join the earth where they may become trees again or food for plants, or part of the ocean floor. They will soon begin their process all over……with creation.

Have you ever seen one of the paintings that has the dilapidated old houses in the field? They are indescribably beautiful. When you look at that old, worn house you can almost see the family that lived there and the joy and pain that amounted to the experience that family had in the home. It is the same when you look in an elderly person’s eyes, or a dying person’s face. You can see the whole circle, and just because that circle is coming to an end the portion of the journey is no less valuable. The glimmer in the soul continues to shine just as bright. The potential for happiness and greatness is no less.

Lack of acceptance in the cycles of life leads to suffering. When we chase our youth, attempt to stop something from growing or changing, or pretend like an entire cycle of existence in unnecessary, we suffer. Happiness and peace are found from within when we surrender and accept all facets of life. Half of a diamond never shines as brightly as the diamond with all facets visible. Hold onto the whole jewel that is your existence.

Today think about the things you are doing to create resistance in the cycle of life, and begin to practice acceptance. Spend time with an elderly friend or parent. Seek their guidance and wisdom and show them that the cycle they are experiencing is just as valuable as the cycle you are. Have compassion for those with illness and disease, realizing that they are just as whole as you are but experiencing a different facet of existence. Above all remember that you too will die. With every breath you take you are one breath closer to the inevitable. Our first breath and our last are not really that far apart. Eliminating the suffering between the two requires great understanding of the value inherent in all states of existence and nonexistence.

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