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A Quote by Buddha

All that we are is a result of all that we thought. – Buddha

The last time you wanted someone to let go of an idea you were discussing you might have told them to “never-mind” in exasperation. Never-mind is a wonderful tool to re-mind us how to structure our thoughts. Never-mind those thoughts that do not make you feel good. As your attention shifts from those thoughts you will begin to notice less and less of the situations in your life that do not make you happy and more and more of the situations that do. The world is your oyster – expect a pearl!
Each time you notice a thought that does not feel good never mind it and shift it to something that does, such as your last vacation or a person you love. Remember that your power is in the “right now.” You have the power to decide right now what your thoughts will bring you in the future. You have the power to build your world. May Buddha re-mind you from 2500 years after his passing, that you literally have the world at your fingertips!

An excerpt from:
52 Weeks, A Weekly Guide Inspiring Positive Life Transformation

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